The poison of this creature takes human life in 30 seconds, blue ring octopus can kill 20 people at once

The poison of this creature takes human life in 30 seconds, blue ring octopus can kill 20 people at once

You must have heard about many poisonous creatures, but do you know about the Blue Ringed Octopus. This creature extracts poison equal to killing 20 people at once. If you come under its grip, it will kill you in just 30 seconds. This dangerous Blue Ringed Octopus is found especially in the seas, but many times people keeping aquariums at home unknowingly bring it to their home after seeing its beauty. If you also have an aquarium at home or you are planning to visit the seaside cities, then definitely know about this poisonous blue ringed octopus.

Which poison is inside it? Is found?

Totrodotoxin venom is found inside the blue ringed octopus. This is a dangerous deadly neurotoxin poison that can kill you in a jiffy. The biggest thing is that this poison is about thousand times more poisonous and dangerous than cyanide. For the first time this poison was discovered in a puffer fish. However, scientists later learned that this venom is also found in the blue ringed octopus and about 100 other species.

Why do blue ring octopus use poison

Blue ring octopus use this poison for their prey. They fill this poison in their prey with their sharp beak, after which it dies. However, what is most surprising is that their bite does not cause pain. That is, if it bites you, you will not even know and you will die in 30 seconds.

Where are these blue ringed octopuses found

Blue ringed octopuses are found from Tasmania to the whole of Australia. There are three species of them found in Australia. Talking about their size, they can be from 12 to 22 cm. They are very beautiful in appearance and blue colored rings are made on their skin just like their name. It is because of this special blue color ring that they are called blue ring octopus.

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